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My 101 Guide to Parelli Natural Horsemanship!

This is an article I wrote at the invitation of my goddaughter Verena.  Verena is passionate about dog training and has recently graduated f...

Wednesday 2 October 2013

VifArgent.com 3.0 is now LIVE!

After many months of thought, planning and effort, with some interruptions due to my travels and my teaching engagements, I am proud to present VifArgent.com 3.0!  This is the third iteration of my web site.  It has been redesigned on a brand new platform, which is much more flexible and efficient than the previous one!
Relaunching a site is a bit like renovating a house.  You think you can plan how long it it going to take and how much work it is going to be... but once you are in it, you realize that it will take a lot more work and you find all the things behind the walls that need to be fixed or redone!  Especially when it is a high content web site like VifArgent.com!

Here is a summary of the enhancements you will find:

A new look, modern, airy, elegant, crisp and a lot easier to read!  I am sure no one will miss the bright yellow fonts and moving marquee banners!  We were long overdue for a makeover!

Much improved navigation.  It will be much easier to find exactly what you are looking for.  We have put in place a new hierarchy of menus et completely redone the structure.  There is a lot of great content on this site and it was sometimes hard to get to it.  So we tore down the walls and redid everything!

A brand new toggle button between French and English pages, on EVERY page!

Easy to locate social media and email buttons so you can share any content with your friends in one click!

Easy to find buttons to find us and connect on social media!

Photos have been modified and improved, and you will find new pictures taken at recent events.

Mobile!  The site can now be viewed on smart phones, pads, and other mobile devices.  This was also long overdue.

The Resources section has been updated and new links have been added.

A new technology foundation which will allow us to grow the site much more readily and to add new functions such as video, a membership only section, etc.  This just could not be done in the old version.  This site will be much more flexible and dynamic!

VifArgent.com has long been a go-to place for French speaking Parelli student in Quebec, Canada and other parts of the world, and we will continue to fulfill this mandate as best we can.  Anglophones also find it a great place to access information otherwise hard to locate elsewhere.

You are invited to visit my new home and to send us your comments.  If you find something not working, please let us know; despite all our efforts to make sure everything was ready to go live, there is always the possibility that we might have missed something!

Naturally yours,

Geneviève Benoit  Click and find me!

Feel free to share this post with friends who might be find it useful!

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